““We, the Angelic Kingdoms of Light, thank you for embracing the role of Teacher, and know it will bring you great blessings both during your life on Earth and in other dimensional realms. Your human consciousness may never fully comprehend the great service that you do, but it will be seen from above”.”
The purpose of the workshop is to initiate the participant into the Master Teacher energy of this system. This will happen in the most perfect way for you and it is recommended that you just be open to whatever may unfold. It includes all the information needed to be able to clear, protect and dedicate a space, and hold the energy so that the Angelic Kingdom can facilitate the attunements.
“We, The Angelic Kingdoms of Light, thank you for embracing the role of teacher and know it will bring you great blessings, both during your life on earth and in other dimensional realms. Your human consciousness may never fully comprehend the great service that you do, but it will be seen from ‘above”.
The fourth workshop includes further attunements and is a deepening and review of all aspects of Angelic Reiki in preparation for teaching, if the participant wishes to do so.
Pre-requisites for this workshop are to have received valid Angelic Reiki 1&2, 3&4 and Professional Practitioner certificates with at least three case studies approved by a registered teacher.
This workshop includes:
Principles and practice of clearing and dedicating the space
Fourth degree clearing, entity release and attunement by Kevin Core (Voice Recording)
Understanding, Connecting, and Attuning the 12 Chakras (Channeled by Gabriela Johnson)
Understanding and Creating a 7th Dimensional Hologram (Channeled by Gabriela Johnson)
Meditation with the Archangels of the Tree of Life
Archangelic Master initiation and attunement
Grounding and the ‘Feeling Body’
Setting up as a teacher
Practical advice for setting up workshops
Workshop guidance
Practical experience and guidance for leading a healing practice
Guidance on facilitating attunements, cleanses and the entity release
Organisation, support and responsibilities of the teacher
Review and discussion of any topics or issues presented in Angelic Reiki
Master Teacher manual
Your Master Crystal will be further programmed to hold the Divine Angelic Codes of Healing given in this workshop
Internationally recognized Angelic Reiki master teacher certificate
Angelic Reiki Master Teacher
Dates: 12 - 15 Mar 2026
Times: Thursday 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm
Sat & Sun 10:00am - 5:00pm
Investment: $1299
(a non-refundable deposit of $99 is required to secure a place on the course)
Resitters: If you have already taken ARMT with Gabriela, then you need only pay a non-refundable fee to resit. $499 for the weekend
Location: Remuera, Auckland
What to Bring: Bottle of water, notepad, pen and a packed lunch
Please Note: 4 people are required for this course to run
Suitability: For those who have achieved Angelic Reiki level 1&2, 3&4 and Professional Practitioner level with Gabriela or another registered Angelic Reiki Master Teacher. Also if you intend to progress towards being a professional Angelic Reiki Practitioner and/or Master Teacher.
Space is limited!
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