“What Astrology does provide is a blueprint of the lens through which we must peer into those labyrinths:
The personality”
Natal Chart Readings
In a Natal/birth Chart reading with Gabriela you will learn about your highest potential and life path. You will discover your Soul's essence and how it is reflected in relationships and your purpose in the world.
A consultation/reading is a dynamic interactive exploration and translation of the planetary energies in your birth chart. The focus is on assisting you to remember and reconnect with your core essence, purpose and meaning on this planet. Together we will explore your inner strengths, resources, talents, skills, vocation, relationship needs and patterns, creativity, gifts and inner conflicts, as well as your core soul themes and your approach to life.
The focus will be on the areas of your life that you feel are particularly important to you right now. This may include your career and vocation, relationships, midlife issues, relocation and other life transitions, also explore the transits/planetary movements which are affecting you now and in the coming year. This can help you to work more creatively with these energies in the coming months.
When you have a more complete picture of continuity and who you are through time, your current circumstances have a deeper significance and purpose. In addition to answering specific questions you may have, this reading has the effect of creating harmony through a deeper understanding of yourself.
Your personal 'blueprint' for this lifetime is represented in your Natal Chart Reading. It is your road map, the karmic patterning in your subconscious mind and also an opportunity for understanding yourself from a whole new perspective. It helps make what is unconscious and conscious.
In order to set up your personal Natal Chart Reading, you will require the time, date, and place of your birth. Natal Chart Readings can be in person by Skype or by the phone.
Please note the Time of birth is essential.
*Bookings need to be made at least one week in advance.
Natal Chart Reading cost: $250
Follow up Session: $200
Follow-Up Support Sessions
This consultation is only for clients who have already had a Birth Chart Reading consultation with Gabriela. Because we now are familiar with you and your birth chart, this service is available for follow-up consultations whenever you need.
The Ongoing Support sessions can be on any topic, or several topics, and include natal, progressed, and transit charts.
“Astrology, the Science of the Stars
Astrology is one of the great adventures of human civilization and has contributed greatly to people’s lives and to our culture over time. Astrology’s purpose is to use the positions of the planets and stars in the sky to gather information on the individual and on humanity. Astrology is a system that enables us to understand the past, present and the future within a universe full of meaning.”
What is Astrology?
Astrology literally means "The Science of the Stars", It contains both the idea of an organised body of knowledge of the cosmos, along with the way the stars "speak" to us, or give meaning to our lifes. A person who practices astrology is called an astrologer. A very ancient, but still vital discipline, astrology seeks the meaning and application of the influences of the planets, stars and other celestial phenomena in our lives. Astrology and astronomy have in modern times become separate studies, though for most of human history they were two sides of the same coin.
Exploring ourselves, our relationships and our place within the world, astrology has found that the symbolic relationships between the heavenly bodies are significant, and can be seen as a map to human destiny.
Astrology can give us insight into all manner of situations, from the personal to the political and from the most intimate to the most mundane. Because astrologers generally take a holistic view of the world, we can see that there is a spiritual connection between all things, even the planets, stars and us.
Gabriela shows natural ability as an Astrologer. She is innately intuitive yet still remains astute enough to understand the Solar System theoretically, and can relay the information with both intelligence and insight. On a personal level she is dedicated to her craft with a caring and healing quality that is a must for all good Astrologers.
I believe Gabriela was born for this kind of work.
- Marc Laurenson, Sydney Astrology School
Thank you so much for today….there was so much to absorb - you truly have a gift and I feel honored to have met you.
- Charissa Snijders, Auckland NZ
Hi Lovely Gabriela,
Thank you so much for my reading yesterday. I learnt so much and it gave me a lot of hope and I felt so aligned with our discussion. I left feeling so optimistic for my future. Really enjoyed your approach and will for sure be back for more engagement with you.
Thank you so much Gabriela
- A grateful client, Auckland NZ